Chasing Storms

The other day riding home from a periodontal appointment in a foul mood I rode into a wave of ozone and turbulent clouds.  Spots of rain began to hit the visor while waves of rain approached over the horizon.  I pulled over to take some shower pictures and ponder the state of the world; it’s been a tough month in motorcycle culture.
Robert Pirsig died in April after a long and difficult life.  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a deep and nuanced read written by a man of tremendous intelligence who battled with mental illness.  If you can hang on to it and the philosophy it pitches at you, you’ll find a an ending worth waiting for.  Pirsig’s little book is one of the best examples of deep thinking intertwined with motorcycling I’ve found.  He leaves behind an important legacy.

Nicky Hayden, by contrast, was living the dream.  A man who found his passion early and then excelled at it, Nicky raced motorcycles in pretty much every level of road racing there is, and he did it with an infectious grin plastered across his face.

He was in the paddock of MotoGP a few years ago when I started watching, but by then he was on a satellite bike and struggling near the back of the field.  It wasn’t until I saw The Doctor, The Tornado and the Kentucky Kid that I realized the trajectory of Nicky Hayden’s career and came to respect both his talent and his tenacity.

Nicky was training on a bicycle on a road in Italy after his last round of World Superbike racing on my birthday when he was hit by a car.  After some days in a coma he passed away.  It’s the kind of news you don’t expect to hear.  Nicky wanted to work on reintroducing a new generation of American road racers to the sport when he retired (there are currently no Americans contesting MotoGP when it used to be dominated by them), but instead he’s gone.  Because of a driver in Italy not seeing a cyclist none of that will happen now.

I stood there feeling the temperature dip, the wind kick up and the darkness fall while ruminating on these two very different deaths – an old man and a young man, an academic and anathlete, both linked over decades only by their love of two wheels.

I jumped on the bike and got home just as everything went pear shaped outside.  Rain lashed the windows and the day went dark.  

Of course, as is the way of things, when the storm passed the sun came back and reminded me how beautiful the world can be.



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360 Camera Thoughts & Early Spring Commutes

Some media from the first week of regular (twice!) commuting:

A tiger’s eye view of the ride in to work.  About 4°C and a bit damp.  That afternoon was up to 12°C and I comfortably took the long way home.  Both videos use the high speed video capture option within the Fly360 (long motorcycle videos are tedious):

Photos and video screen grabs from the rides all on the 360Fly4k – great resolution but it isn’t really a 360° camera like the Ricoh Theta is with a large blank area around the base.  If you mount it facing up it doesn’t see the bike.  The photo on the left shows the full range of view – if it was a true 360°view you’d see where the bike was going too.  The Theta stitches two of those globes together giving you a true 360° capture.  It’s also much smaller and easier to clip onto a motorbike.  Having a physical button to take photos and move between video and photo mode while on the go is also helpful.  The Fly can only be operated through your smartphone, which isn’t possible while in motion (well, I guess it is, but you’ll probably end up wrapped around a tree and the copper who sees you with a phone in your hand will loose his mind).

Editing is a whole other thing.  I find the 360 Director software buggy at best.  PoV in camera editing doesn’t seem to pick up when you ask it to render.  I can get it to go about one third of the time.  The resolution of the Fly is excellent, and it does an ok job in low light considering that it isn’t really designed for it.  The Fly is also weather proof, so you’re not worrying about the odd drop of rain like I did with the Theta.

The long and the short of it is, if you’re looking for resolution and clarity, the Fly’s your choice, just be prepared to stick it in some strange places because it can’t see everything.  If you want ease of editing in a small camera with true 360° video and photography, the Theta’s where you should go.

These are all taken with it suctioned to the inside of the windshield and pointed back at me…

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Updated 3d Modelling Software on Motorcycles

I’ve had a Structure Sensor for a couple of years now.  They keep updating the software and firmware and improving the detail capture of the device.  After the last round of updates I spent some time in the garage while it’s -20°C and snowing outside in March to test out that new detail.

You get all the Structure software with the scanner, but you can also use third party apps to operate the device.  Itseez3d is one of those apps, but I always found it quite buggy.  That all seems to be behind it with the latest update.

                naked concours: Scan of the Concours in the garage using Itseez3d and the Structure Sensor
                by timking17 click on it to open, then you can scroll in to zoom and drag to move it around
                on Sketchfab

The model above is on Sketchfab, but itseez3d is doing 
something like it on its own website.  The detail seems similar on both.  I’d never been able to get a stable large scale model out of itseez3d before, I could this time.  The level of detail and how well it paints the surface of the model using the ipad’s camera to catch colour and texture is impressive.  The pictures on the left are the Tiger inside and out as a model on the itseez3d site.

Even with the Structure software I’m finding that the quality of detail in the 3d models the scanner produces are always improving.  A boxed capture of the front section of the Tiger was a way of working close enough to take in a lot of compound curves and mechanical parts to see how well the Structure sensors lasers could feel out those details.  It’s producing smoother, more accurate models than ever.

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Really Annoying: Talent Show – Funny 2017 Kia Forte TV Commercial

I’d describe this as not funny at all.  This ad is all over TV at the moment and it makes me grind my teeth every time I see it.  KIA isn’t the only company pushing the “don’t worry if you’re useless, we’ve made a car that puts you on the road anyway!” sub-text.

From a motorcyclist’s perspective, especially one in you-can’t-lane-split Ontario where I’m expected to wait in a lane as clueless drivers imagining they are on reality TV approach me at killing speed from behind, do these systems work on something as small as a motorbike?  This article by Consumer Reports suggests that pedestrian aware systems are distinct from vehicle aware systems.  “…Some newer systems can also detect bicyclists.”  That’s heart warming.

How long will it be before people, already willing to take my life in their incompetent hands while they take selfies and answer texts that just can’t wait, figure that they don’t need to be competent at driving at all?  We’re already close.

I haven’t seen anything in motorcycle media about this, but this is turning into a life or death situation for people on two wheels.  Someone with more resources than I needs to see just how big the blind spots are on these systems and then tell motorcyclists how best to be seen by them.  Our lives increasingly depend on it.

“Motorcycles are the biggest problem, with systems detecting them a full 26% later than other vehicle types, and this with motorcycles already being the hardest motor vehicles on the road to see…”

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Replacing Plastic Fuel Fittings: that was a pain in the ass

Well, that was a pain in the ass.  It began well enough.  Removing the metal clips from the plastic fittings was pretty straightforward.  Push the pin in and then gently tease them apart and you don’t have springs flying everywhere.  I’m a bit confused as to why I needed to save the bits as the new fittings come with clips, but I’ll hang on to them anyway.

Following the directions online, I next took out the lower plastic fuel fitting in about thirty seconds.  The upper one (that leaks) immediately broke (I suspect it already was) and proceeded to spectacularly fall apart.  I spent the next two hours with a hot pick pulling bits of brittle plastic out of the metal fuel tank threads.  It turned into tedious dental surgery rather than a quick repair.

With the plate now clear of detritus, I should be able to install the new metal fittings and resolve my leaking fuel tank once and for all.  Since I have to remove the tank to pretty much do any engine maintenance at all, this fix will make the Tiger maintainable again.

With the fuel tank fittings sorted I’ll next be doing the fork oil (never done that before), change the plugs and do a coolant flush (which requires multiple fuel tank removals).  The Tiger will be fit should spring ever arrive.

Online Notes on Fuel Fitting thread sealant:
What to use for fuel fitting thread sealant:
Don’t use teflon tape for fuel fittings!
These guys make it:
It’s available locally:

The metal plate the fuel pump is connected to on the gas tank has a couple of plastic fuel fittings screwed into it.  The top one is leaking and was a pain in the ass to get out, the bottom one came right out easily.
The plastic male ends go into plastic female ends in a metal fuel pump plate.  Shortly it’ll all be stainless steel.
Getting it that clean took some patience.
The big, orange Triumph Tiger in maintenance mode – the battery pack is on the back to raise the front wheel off the ground for the coming fork oil change.

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Scotland and Shetland On Two Wheels

Another piece of fantasy trip planning so I’m ready to go when I become pointlessly rich…  this time Scotland and into the North Sea!

 Two days on the mainland working our way north to the ferry port in Thurso…


Day 1:  Ediburgh to Inverbroom Lodge
Day 2: Inverbroom Lodge to Thurso
Day 3: Ferry to Orknies
Day 4: Orkneys day 2
Day 5: Ferry to Shetlands
Day 6-10: Shetlands
Day 11: Ferry back to Aberdeen
Day 12: Aberdeen to Edinburgh
Day 13: Edinburgh

Thurso to Orkney Islands: 90 minute crossing: £112
Kirkwall, Orkney Islands to Shetlands: 7 hour crossing: £225
Shetlands to Aberdeen: 12 hour crossing: £289


Two nights and two full days on the Orkney Islands… Scara Brae!


The whole thing on Furkot:

Journey To The End of the Earth

Two weeks beyond John O’Groats…

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Daydreaming: Winter Road Trip to New Orleans & Key West

It’s an 11 hour drive down to Knoxville, Tennessee from here.  If I took the bike that far south in a van to dodge the snowline, I could then do this!

With two weeks off over Christmas it’d break down like this:

Dec 24th: (van) Elora to Knoxville in the van 1147kms
Dec 25th: Knoxville to Talledega 271 miles the interesting way
Dec 26th: Talledega to New Orleans 420 miles
Dec 27th: New Orleans!
Dec 28th: New Orleans!
Dec 29th: New Orleans to Panama City 304 miles
Dec 30th: Panama City to Tampa  339 miles
Dec 31st: Tampa to Miami   252 miles
Jan 1st:   Miami!
Jan 2nd:  Miami to Key West to Miami   155 miles there and back
Jan 3rd:   Miami to Jacksonville via Daytona Beach 346 miles
Jan 5th:   Jacksonville to Greenville 388 miles
Jan 6th:  Greenville to Knoxville 212 miles via Deals Gap
Jan 6th:  (van) Knoxville to Dayton 304 miles 1/2 day
Jan 7th:  (van) Dayton to Elora 410 miles home mid-afternoon
Jan 8th:   chill out day before going back to work

Van mileage:  2300kms / 1440 miles
Bile mileage: 4500kms / 2812 miles

I could probably arrange with our Knoxville hotel to park the van somewhere safe and then head south on two wheels.  The Tiger could totally handle the job one or two up, but there would be more specialized tools I’d select if given a choice from the new 2017 bikes:

One Up 2017 Minimalist Bike Choice

Kawasaki’s new Z900 looks like a lovely, light weight device to explore some corners with.  It’s an upright bike that would be easy to sit on for long periods of time.  It’s a minimal machine but that would be ideal for riding into the sub tropical climates down there.

It’s a brand new machine but the Z650 it shares parts with already has some luggage bits that might work.  Keeping with the minimalist vibe, I’d try and do the whole 3000 mile / two week odyssey using only those two expandable panniers.  If I have to expand half way through I could always throw a tie down duffel bag on the back seat.

One Up 2017 not-remotely minimalist Bike Choice

The opposite of the tiny, lithe, naked Z900 is the absurd, over the top and abundantly present Moto Guzzi MGX-21 Flying Fortress.  It comes with its own panniers so that’s not a worry.  It’s also the kind of bike that would swallow many high mileage days in a row without batting an eyelash.  And it’s so pretty.

Two Up Touring Preference

A large, comfortable bike that Max and I could ride the southern triangle on would be the goal here.  My default is always a Kawasaki Concours 14.  We rented a last gen model last year in Arizona and it was a rocket ship that was also big and comfortable for both of us.  The fact that it comes in candy imperial blue this year only encourages me to put it back at the top of the list again.

A more touring focused choice would be the Goldwing F6B which is a more stripped down version of the full on bells and whistles Goldwing.  It’s a big, comfortable bike that is surprisingly nimble for what it is and comes with built in panniers.  It’d cover the miles with ease while keeping us both in excellent shape for when we arrived at each stop.

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Naked ZG1000 Custom Inspiration

Some Andy Warhol-esque ZG1K shapes to get a feel for what the bike will look like:

I’m still thinking purple with asymmetrical gold racing stripes, but that might change again.

Cardboard cutouts of the side panels I need have gone to the metal shop.   I’m going to prototype some 3d models on the printer at work and see what various shapes look like before doing the final cuts in metal for the rear section.

While that’s going on I’ve got to get the front cowling figured out, which is what led to the video…

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Dreamtime Begins


You tend to see a lot more Photoshop post
production during Dreamtime.

The end of riding season means it’s the beginning of Dreamtime.  I shift from what I’m doing on a motorcycle to what I wish I were doing but can’t.  Things get fictional and funky.  Instead of generating footage and photography I’m looking over what I got from the past season and wondering about what I’d like to do in the next one.  If I lived further south I’d keep stealing rides when I could get them.  If  I lived somewhere where feet of snow don’t regularly happen I’d brave the ‘winter’ (what we’d call fall).

I also find I have time to fettle instead of ride so the Concours ZG1000 Fury project will finally start moving at a steady pace.  My goal is to have both bikes on the road in the spring.

It’s difficult not to wish for riding season to return but there is value in this change of season, I just need to change my mind.

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