Exploring Jasper and Surrounding Area: some motorcycle ideas

I’m not on two wheels but it feels good to travel again.  As I write this I’m sitting in a B&B as the sun cuts through early morning clouds on the eastern edge of the Canadian Rockies.

We spent a couple of mad days in Edmonton, but cities aren’t my thing and giant malls even less so.  Now that we’re 3+ hours west of Edmonton in the mountains, the adventure begins.  Today we’re heading a couple of hours south to the Athabasca Ice Fields for an eco-tour of the glacier.  We’re in Brule for the week and so far the landscape has not disappointed.

Brule makes for a nice, quiet base for exploring the northern Jasper area.  It would be a 3700km odyssey across the Canadian Shield and then the Praries to get here by bike.  We drove across Canada in 2018 and did it in Elora to Sault Ste Marie to Thunder Bay to Winnipeg and then kept going on the south route.  To get up here it’d need a Saskatoon and Edmonton stop before pushing on to Brule.  That’d be 3 days of  700-800kms per day and then a couple of shorter days into the mountains.

It has been single digit temperatures here in July in the mornings and sometimes when it’s raining.  A warm day will get up into the low 20s, which is nice riding weather, but you’d want to dress for the cool.  It has also been quite wet, so good rain gear is a must.

Coming back, Yellowstone is about 1400kms south of us, so a couple of days ride down there, a couple of more days riding around the park, then a scenic 2300km ride back to The Sault, then a final leg home.  That’d be about 7000kms of getting there and back with shorter scenic rides on location, so perhaps 10k kms.  Spread out over a month, this’d be one heck of a way to see a lot of North America’s middle.


I’m at the end of our week out here and this place is fantastic.  Were I living out here I’d have my choice of epic rides on my doorstep.  The big roads are sweeping, high speed routes with unbelievable views.  It’s Canada so the tarmac isn’t smooth and you’re dealing with tar snakes and buckled ashphalt, but it’s never SWOnt tedious.

The Big Routes:

Brule to Jasper to the Athabasca Glacier: we drove this (in a car) on Wednesday and it’s a spectacular drive.  You’re climbing from 979m (3200ft) to 2121m (6958ft) with another 618m is descents – the trip is seldom on the level and usually in a bend, especially on the AB-93 Icefields Parkway – one of the most scenic drives in Canada.

Every stop smells of burnt brakes and transmission fluid.  It isn’t gentle on cars, but riding the Icefields Parkway would be a bucket list riding trip for any motorcyclist.

We hiked the Athabasca Glacier with Rockaboo Adventures – highly recommended!

This lot have the right idea – but pack your raingear, weather in the mountains changes quickly and often.  On the upside, if you don’t like what it’s doing, wait five minutes.

Jasper to Tête Jaune Cache, British Columbia

You pass Mount Robson (the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies) on the way into BC.  It’s worth a stop.

Mt Robson is as big as it gets in the Canadian Rockies…

The drive this way is fast-mountain-highway with lots of trucks.  On the way out we had a bear stop on the side of the road to let us by before crossing.  It’s that kind of ride.

Over the continental divide the forests get lusher and have a more Pacific rain forest vibe, though you’re still at altitude so it’s mainly coniferous.  We went down as far as Valemount to check out the Three Ranges Brewing Co..   The place has a nice vibe with pictures of all the local high school grads on each light post.

Driving us back to Jasper, we observed some near disastrous truck passing.  The people moving heavy goods through the mountains seldom slow down and the result is often passes on the shoulder and other high risk moves.  Once I had a handle on how the big trucks rolled, when you see one brake take it seriously, they don’t slow down for much.
If you like the fast sweeping roads and views that never quit, along with the sudden animal spotting, you’ll love the highways in and around Jasper.  Just one last note:  speeds limits seem pretty tight in Jasper National Park, so if you’ve got an Ontario 100 means 140 mindset, you’ll run into problems.  Alberta has a pretty reasonable 110km/hr limit and most people on the highway seem to stick within 10km/hr of it.  In the park it’s usually 80km/hr but often slows due to high animal areas or other environmental factors.  Park wardens can pull you over for speeding and other infractions and there are a lot of them about.  Why rush anyway?  The place is well worthy of a slower pace.

Technical Back Roads:

The Road to Miette Hot springs:

If you’re looking for interesting technical roads to ride, you want to hit some of the spur roads up to other areas of the park.  We did Miette Hot springs one day and the Google map doesn’t do it justice.  In addition to some gnarly switchbacks, the rest of the road into the mountains is never straight and always going in a new direction.  It’s 17kms of really nice riding.

The road is Canadian (so no butter smooth tarmac here), but it’s well maintained and the views are spectacular.  Once we got up there we discovered that Parks Canada runs noon to 8pm hours in the summer so locals can make their way up there after work for a soak.  Nice, eh?  If I were living near the north gate of Jasper I’d be aiming for 34kms of engaging technical riding with a soak in the hot springs to break it up many times a week during the summer.

There’s also a nice family run restaurant just down from the springs if you’re looking to eat.

17kms from the main Jasper highway up to Miette Hot springs.

The Road to Maligne Lake:

This is another wonderfully technical road with constant direction changes.  It’s much longer than the Miette Hot springs road but you end at the lost world of Maligne Lake where you’ve probably got the best chance on the planet to see a dinosaur.

The road follows the outflow from Medicine Lake, twisting and turning with the raging river and then traces the shoreline before climbing even higher towards Maligne Lake.  Stunning views frequent animal sightings and never dull roads meant this was one of the most motorcycled routes we saw.  In the photos below you’ll see rain and then sun – they were taken less than a minute apart.  You always want to be ready for rain but it seems to pass quickly up in the Rockies.

48kms from Jasper to Maligne Lake.  

Oh no, it’s raining on the Harleys!

Is that one of the new Husky Norden 901s?  Yes please!

It’s seldom straight!

Getting Dirty!

If you’re willing to get dirty there are a number of roads into the park that offer a more adventurous experience.  I haven’t done these but a light adventure bike and living in the area would have me riding to the end of as many remote roads as I could find, like this one!  

That’s 45kms but G-maps is saying it’ll take over an hour, so this ain’t no 100+km/hr road!

Pyramid Lake Road looks like a cracker too!

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Gas Prices And Riding Your Motorcycle

NOTE:  when gas was $112US/barrel in May this year, retail pump prices were $1.95/litre.  Someone’s getting rich off climate disaster.

Petro-Canada is putting everyone
over a barrel charging 6¢ a litre
more for super than ESSO is.

I was out and about on two wheels both Saturday and Sunday last weekend.  Because I live in one of the most geologically tedious places in the world, I often have to ride for 20 minutes just to find *any* corner.  This has me juggling contradicting ideas when it comes to the latest round of record-breaking fuel prices.  On the one hand, fuel is more expensive.  Thirty bucks used to be as much as I ever put into a bike, now it’s over forty.  On the other hand, after riding for twenty minutes to find a damned corner there are far few people driving around like gormless idiots on it so I get to actually enjoy the lean.  I think I’m OK with the return on investment with strangely high gas prices: it’s expensive but the roads are nicer to ride.

This isn’t the first time fuel prices went this high.  They did in 2012 as well due to Middle Eastern instability, but back then (with costs per barrel similar) fuel at the pump out this way reached $1.36/litre and had everyone apoplectic.   A decade later the same crude oil prices have us paying almost $2.50 a litre, but hey, if you can’t get rich from declining resources and a climate disaster you were instrumental in causing, you shouldn’t be running a petrochemical company.

My son and I two up on the Kawasaki are averaging over 42 miles per gallon…

The Tiger is mainly doing one-up work now that the Concours takes care of pillions.  With its new sprockets the RPMs have dropped a few hundred in any given gear and it’s now averaging over 60mpg on long, top gear rides.  At this kind of mileage I can handle higher fuel costs.


2012:  “Retail pump prices rose early in the year, starting at $1.21 per litre, peaking at $1.36 per litre in April, declining to $1.23 per litre in July”

“Crude oil prices… ]averaged $703/m3 (US$112/bbl)”


It might be unpopular, but I believe we should be charging the environmental damage in each litre of gasoline.  

The True Cost of Burning Hydrocarbons:




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Moto Art

Various photos from rides over the last month, worked over with photoshop into not-photographs!

Kawasaki GTR1400 at sunset (and below)

Triumph Tiger on a Sunday Ride

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May Motorcycle Photography

 Motorcycle photography over the past couple of weeks.

Two-up sunset ride on the Tiger with a Ricoh Theta SC mounted to the rear view mirror with a flexible tripod:

Testing a new Theta SC 360 camera mounted on the windshield with a flexible tripod:

If you’re curious about how to do this, click HERE!

Kawasaki Concours 14 on a sunset ride (no 360 camera this time, just the phone):

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Forging Moto-Maker Spaces

As a family we attended a blacksmithing day at Happy Knife Forge last weekend.  Highly recommended, it’s money well spent.  Jason will not only show you the basics, but is keen to get you up and running as a blacksmith.  My granddad was a coal merchant back in the old country and the smell of coke burning on the forge prompted a sense memory from the crib; it smelled like home.

I’ve ruminated on fabrication and micro-manufacturing on TMD before from a digital perspective using the latest techniques.  Given the space and tools I’d quite happily spend my time designing and creating using everything from medieval blacksmithing through 20th Century metal working and on into 21st Century digital manufacturing techniques.  Connecting these processes separated by time but with the same intent would produce some genuinely interesting and bespoke combinations.

I’ve had the itch to get back into welding for some time, but a lack of space and gear means I’m not while I’m where I’m at.  The blacksmithing experience has me wanting to expand my metal working beyond just welding, which means even more space and kit getting added to the wish list.  You can do a lot in a tight space, and I am, but when it comes to storing the chemicals and managing the heat in some of these processes, there is no substitute for space.

A property with an old industrial building on
it would make for a fantastic restoration
leading to a multi-millenial foundry covering
everything from blacksmithing to digital design!

Given the time and resources I’d hit an intensive welding program, then set up my multi-millenial forge/shop/maker space with everything from blacksmithing tools through metal working and mechanical to 21st Century 3d scanning, digital modelling and printing.  The forge would be in the corner of a repurposed, old brick building that also includes space for metalwork, all very fireproof.  Across the floor in the same open concept.would be space for a paint booth/shot blasting station and plenty of mechanical workspace.  Upstairs (open concept, with just a railing) would be digital design and manufacturing in a cleaner workspace.  If I could walk out to that every morning to create, restore and repair, I’d hardly care if there were pandemics or anything else.  Put it near some good riding roads (ie: not in Southern Ontario), and it’d be just about perfect.

I’ve been thinking about a digital workshop for a while now, but the blacksmithing experience has me thinking old school as well.

The future-garage scene in Big Hero 6 gets the digital side of it right.

Dream Shop Links:











Forging Links:



Welding links






Used Options:

Metal Working Tool Links



Digital Manufacturing Links



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Riding Through an Oil Painting

 After a long day at work I found myself watching the sky change colours and jumped on the Tiger for a ride down the river.  It felt like riding through a Van Gogh…

All photos taken with a Ricoh 360 camera mounted on the windshield, autofiring every 8 seconds.

West Montrose Covered Bridge: one of these times I’m going to ride through and find myself in 1881!

Photos are in reverse chronological order.  Sunset was at 8:30pm – I was on the road from about 8:10 to 8:50pm.

If you want a breakdown of how to get on-bike 360 photos like this, check THIS out!  If you really want to digitally flex, you can create a 360 ‘tiny planet’ stop motion film out of this kind of photography:

Related Links:  How to capture 360-degree photos while riding your motorbike (Adventure Bike Rider Magazine)

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My First Motorcycling Accident: ATGATT Saves The Day!

 … and it wasn’t so bad thanks to all the (quality) gear, all the time.  This weekend we had family friends coming over so I took their son and mine up to S.M.A.R.T. Adventures for an afternoon dirt biking.  My boy did a day on bikes last year so he was stepping up to intermediate level, the other boy had never ridden before.

It was a glorious day.  We had snow last week but it was 15°C and sunny on Saturday, and we weren’t gettting on a bike until it had already reached that lofty high.

They kit you up good at SMART!

We got kitted up and out to the bikes.  Ethan went with another new rider and did the how-bike-controls-work introductory lesson.  Max hadn’t been on a bike in 10 months and had only had a day when he last did, but he remembered all the basics so off we went.

We had Joe instructing us who I’ve had a couple of times before.  He has psychic trail reading skills and is a joy to follow in the woods.  He’s also big on the basics (elbows up, sit at the front of the saddle right above the pegs and most of all, clutch control!).  Max had the basics down, but his work on the clutch dramatically improved his ability to ride off road this time around, it was time well spent!

We did the ride-over-a-log thing and after a tentative start Max got a handle on that too!  All in all it was a very satisfying afternoon of riding.

To end the day we joined the new riders and did some of the easier trails.  Earlier we’d been talking to the instructor who had been looking after the new riders and he said you can never underestimate how tired the newbies are.  The physical and mental demands on learning to ride from scratch are heavy.  We all lined up as a group and headed out into the woods for one last ride together.

We were coming down a washout with rocks and loose dirt when the instructor eased up at the bottom, perhaps deciding which way to turn.  I was up on the pegs behind him and was able to stop, but Max was behind me and couldn’t.  Ethan was behind him and said Max hit the back brake hard enough to lock up, but with the loose surface and incline he slid right into me, trapping my ankle between his front fork and my bike.  When he came off, his bike surged forward as it stalled, driving into my ankle even more.

It was trapped so tight I was thinking it was already broken, but SMART doesn’t mess around with the kit.  Those SIDI off road boots are the balls.  Having been caught between the two bikes (which were now locked together), there was an incredible amount of pressure on my ankle, but the boots were taking the brunt.  I couldn’t move and was frustrated that I hadn’t avoided the situation entirely, but it was a series of events I couldn’t see behind me and the accident was no one’s fault.  Max was feeling terrible about it, but once the tail end instructor had run down the hill and seperated the bikes, I got up and tested the ankle and was stunned to find I could stand on it without any real pain.  Even now, a day later, it’s only mildly bruised and I’m able to walk on it without any pain.  If I hadn’t been in good off road boots I’d have dust for an ankle.

We got the bikes sorted out (one of the plastic panels had popped out on my Honda 250cc, but was popped back in – it wasn’t even cracked!) and continued the ride.  At the end of the day we got back to the SMART office and all was good.

As I told Max, “this was about as ideal an accident as you could have!”  He learned about
leaving space, keeping his eyes up and experienced target fixation for the first time (which might one day save his life if he’s learned to look where he wants to go).  It also underlined my belief in ATGATT.  I tell you what, thanks to SMART I’m going to be looking for some SIDI dirt boots when I finally get my own kit.  They aren’t cheap, but then neither is a broken ankle.  Wear the right kit and even if you have an accident, you walk away!

I’m still hoping to get Max and I sorted out with a couple of tidy 250cc bikes to go trail riding together.  It’s great exercise, a wonderful way to get deep into the woods and sure, it could be dangerous, but with the right kit and a sensible approach to riding it’s a manageable risk that can also have minimum environmental impact.  A knowledgeable trail rider leaves no trace while exploring wilderness in a way that few other activities allow, often enjoying over 70mpg.

I know a lot of people think of motorcycling as a pointless risk that is destined for injury, but that isn’t the point at all.  When done well, as we did it yesterday, riding is the best kind of exercise for your mind and body, and something I’m always willing to mitigate risk on in order to enjoy.  I’ve heard of many people who have an accident and never ride again, but that isn’t my way.

We’re aiming to do a full day SMART later this year.  Funds permitting, we’ll get ourselves independently riding off road eventually, but in the meantime, SMART provides the kit and the bikes along with some vital mentorship.  We’ll both be better riders by the time we’re soloing on the trails in our own gear on our own bikes.

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Making Miles on the Concours

We had a break in the Canadian winter (in April) and I finally got a chance to exercise the Concours.  This jaunt took me over 250kms from where I live in the tedious industrial farming desert of South Western Ontario, an hour up to the road to the edge of the Niagara Escarpment where I have a small chance of finding a corner to ride around.  It usually gets colder by the lake, but contrary to physics, it went from 12°C when I left up to 27° by the lake.  It only dropped down into the low 20s again once I found some altitude on Blue Mountain (a hill anywhere but in Ontario).


It is actually nuclear powered!  I feel like I really bonded with the Connie on this ride – we sailed for miles and we had many more in us when we stopped for the day.  If you’re light on the throttle it gets reasonable mileage, but it’s a wonderful thing when you wake up that motor.  Kawasaki has a special touch with engines.

I had the 360 camera along for the ride and put together a montage using an incredibly complicated process that involves batch processing the 360 panaramas into ‘tiny planet’ images and then clipping them all together in video editing.  It isn’t for the faint of heart, but it sure looks unique.  This is the how-to if you’re feeling brave.

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1971 Triumph Bonneville T120 Sensible Bodywork Bolt Replacements

I’m in the process or stripping the last bits of hardware from the frame and bodywork in order to clean up and paint the frame and bodywork on the 51 year old Bonneville project bike.  The bolts holding the licence plate holder onto the rear fender were 4 different sizes with the longest ones protruding so far toward the wheel that they’d be a safety hazzard on a big bump (the tire would make contact with them on full suspension compression, especially with me on it).

I was talking to a friend online who made a career out of flying helicopters for the military and he said he’s found wrong sized hardware in controls that have actually jeopardized flight safety.  One of the rhings I enjoy about motorcycle mechanics is that it feels closer to aviation than four wheel appliance repair where an error like this might cause you inconvenience as you roll to a stop on the side of the road.  If you’re up in the air or out on a bike and you have a catasrophic mechanical failure, it’s a very different consequence.

Another pilot friend (the perils of being an air cadet), when we were going up for a flight in a Cessna, brought it back around and landed when the engine didn’t feel right.  Everyone was impatient at the delay, but he said something that is simply true that many people don’t consider when their flight is delayed:  “it’s better to be down here wishing you were up there, than being up there wishing you were down here.”  It’s a shame more people who work on bikes don’t think the same way.  I’ve seen even professional work that was half assed to save time/money.  Incompetence like that puts a rider’s life at risk needlessly.  It can end up costing you far more than you saved.

Pretty sure that last one isn’t a stock Triumph bolt.  These’ll all get replaced with metric bolts because they’re easier to find, but they’ll be the right length, matching and be staineless steel.

The 14-0101 bolts used to fasten the fenders on the ’71 Bonneville are 1/4″ X 1/2″ X 28 UNF, which are a bugger to try and find a match for.  The longest bolt on the bike was an inch and a half – way too long for where it was.  Working with SAE/imperial sizes on this bike makes it a real pain to match hardware out of what I have on hand, but stuffing a bolt that long onto a bike where it can interfere with the wheel isn’t sensible.

SAE Wrench Size Bolt Size (SI) Metric Wrench Size
5/16″ 1/8″ 8 mm
3/8″ 3/16″ 10 mm
7/16″ 1/4″ 11 mm
1/2″ 5/16″ 13 mm
9/16″ 3/8″ 14 mm
5/8″ 7/16″ 16 mm
3/4″ 1/2″ 19 mm
13/16″ 9/16″ 21 mm
7/8″ 9/16″ 22 mm
15/16″ 5/8″ 24 mm

1/4″ bolts can be replaced with an 11mm metric option and finding stainless steel versions of these are easy.  I can also get four matching that are the correct length for the job at hand rather than bunging whatever I have in the toolbox onto the bike.  Compared to other costs in this restoration, hardware costs are trivial (for under $40CAD I can get a 900+ piece kit).  When I’m dropping $600+ on a new head, spending a bit on properly sized bolts seems like a no-brainer.

Of course, body panel fasteners are a different proposition to what you put into a motor or transimssion – in those cases I’d always use stock pieces to manage the heat and pressures involved as decided by the engineers to designed the thing, but for bodywork there is a bit more latitude, you just don’t want to be a pratt about it.

While sorting the
frame I’ve cleaned
up the oil in frame
drain system.

The Amazon bolt set arrived in less than 24 hours.  It is (of course) snowing today in mid-April in Canada, so moving the other bikes out of the garage to paint things isn’t likely, and I can’t paint outside if it’s snowing.  You need 10°-30°C temperatures, no direcf sunlight and good ventilation.  If I can get the other bikes out of the garage, open the door a foot and run the fan, I might be able to retain enough heat to do it, but Canada’s ‘spring time’ isn’t helping things along.

If had a wee outdoor shed I’d use it as a paint booth, heating it to the required temperature and then having a fan to move the overspray out.  This DIY paintbooth would be a thing if I had a larger workshop, but a shed outside is a real possibility.  It could provide storage, freeing up space in the garage, but with some crafty ventilation it’d also be a paintbooth.  If I don’t get to painting today, I can at least finish prepping the frame and body panels and hope for warmer temperatures later in the week.

New tires and innertubes are on hand.  The frame is being prepped.
I’ve still got some other body panels to clean and prep for painting.

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Motorcycle Gear as a Pre-Game Ritual

Long before I got into riding motorcycles I discovered ice hockey as a new immigrant to Canada.  I played whenever I could from backyard rinks to 5am practices to driving miles for games on evenings and weekends.  The smell of a hockey rink is a happy one for me, as is the process of getting ready for a game.  For many years I played net, which involved putting on over 70lbs of gear each time (this was back in the day when it was made with leather and bricks rather than the fancy space-aged stuff they have now).

I enjoyed getting to a game early and made putting on the gear a pre-game ritual.  It gave me meditative time to get into the zone before I had to peak-perform.  Perhaps this is why, when I saw this question on Facebook, it took me by surprise:

My ride starts when I go out into the garage and start putting the kit on.  This isn’t tedious, it’s a chance to echo all those hours spent in cold arenas getting ready to lay it all out there on the ice; it’s an opportunity to put on my game face.  I never end up on the bike out on the road half paying attention or thinking about something else because putting on the kit is a integral part of getting ready to ride for me.

I don’t know about a different person, but I am a focused person.  Here’s the MotoGP video.

Getting my gear on builds a sense of anticipation, so the idea that this might be tedious feels very foreign.  How can you be bored when you’re preparing to do something awesome?  Robert Heinlein gives a good description of the feeling in Starship Troopers:

I always get the shakes before a drop. I’ve had the injections, of course, and hypnotic preparation, and it stands to reason that I can’t really be afraid. The ship’s psychiatrist has checked my brain waves and asked me silly questions while I was asleep and he tells me that it isn’t fear, it isn’t anything important—it’s just like the trembling of an eager race horse in the starting gate.

Perhaps riding a bike for you is a flipflops, t-shirt and loud radio half-paying-attention kinda thing, but I take my riding a bit more seriously.  Every time I’m able to get out onto a bike it’s worthy of my full attention, every time.  Making sure I’ve got the right gear is an integral part of that, but so is the opportunity it provides to cultivate a strong mental riding game.

Back in 2015 we rode down to the Indy MotoGP round.  Helmets are optional down that way and we went out once to pick up dinner just up the road without helmets, and it just felt wrong.  The right kit means you can ride longer without getting wind or sunburned and can even make you more comfortable than free bagging it.  Once you’ve got that approach, trying it the other way just feels wrong.

The gear makes the rider angle also means you don’t buy the cheapest junk you can find to check a box.  I’ve spent years honing my gear so that when I put it on it fits, feels right and does what I want it to do.  I started off cheap but soon found that if you spend a bit more you get the kind of quality that makes the extra outlay worth it.  You can sometimes save money getting quality things second hand or on sale, but it’s false economy to get cheap gear and then expect it to work.  If you get quality ventilated kit for the summer, it can keep you cool while keeping the sun and wind off you.  If you get properly insulated gear for cold weather riding, you can sail for hours in temperatures approaching freezing.  Good gear makes you superhuman.

Helmets are especially important.  I’m partial to Roof Helmets because they’re of high quality and are an advanced, modular design that lets you change from a fully safetied full face helmet (lots of flip ups are only safetied as open-face helmets) to an open face ‘jet’ style helmet with a quick flip.  They’re aerodynamic, quiet and ventilate well.  I’ve tried many different lids, including a dalliance with that beaked adventure nonsense, but (for me) a helmet that lets me feel wind on my face quickly and easily (I can flip it up when passing through a town then be back to full face comfort again in seconds without stopping) was what worked.  Getting into kit that feels this right and is well made is all part of the pre-ride ritual and is no hardship.

I frequently see people out on bikes that are wildly unequipped.  They’re usually the cruiser-Captain Jack Sparrow types who are into riding for style rather than, um, riding.  The bikes they tend to ride aren’t really into going around corners (or much else) and their riding gear follows suit.  If that’s your kind of motorcycling then you’re probably not reading this anyway.

If you’re curious about sports psychology and how it might serve your bikecraft (assuming you see riding as a sport that demands practice and focus to improve your performance), there are a lot of links below on getting in the zone, peak performance and pre-game rituals.  Pre-ride rituals work the same way, giving you a chance to clear away the clutter and get your head on straight.

If you watch any motor racing you’ll be aware of pre-race rituals that many riders adopt.  Valentino Rossi was famous for his pre-race contortions, and those are only the visible ones!  Doing this sort of thing looks eccentric, but you do what works for you in order to get yourself into a peak performance mindset.  The amazing things you see athletes do don’t happen without mental preparation.  Riding your bike well won’t happen without it either.  Don’t get frustrated at putting your gear on, use that time to get yourself into the zone for your ride.


Sports Psychology:






Getting in the Zone:




Peak Performance:



Take advantage of pre-game routines:

Athletes stand a much better chance for getting in the zone when they make it a point to engage in a pre-game routine that allows them to think about the upcoming game, elevate their mood state, and lower their negative anxiety.

Moto Specific:







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