Bike Bucket List

Tim’s bike-hole, once a storage place for unused furniture,
now an insulated work space with two Kawis in it.

Season 1 ended with me getting my license, my first bike and getting over 5000kms of riding in, including a full month of long commutes.  The original bike bucket list included getting the license and first bike.

As season two began I was looking to expand.  Bike bucket list 2.0:

  • build a garage worthy of the name (almost done!)
  • have a bike holiday on some less-Ontario-ish roads (done!)
  • ride more different bikes, done and done! (and that second one even got my wife scooter curious)
  • work on my bike-craft (done & ongoing!)
  • buy a fixer-upper (done!)
  • do an overnight bike trip (didn’t manage it… but the season isn’t over yet!)

Here’s the bucket-list 3.0.  Some of these might take a bit longer to complete:

  • a bike to dance with one on one (light, single seater, lower displacement)
  • a distance bike (get the Concours up to snuff)
  • live the 3-wheel dream, get an all-purpose outfit for Max & I
  • take Max to an off road school
  • then do an off road riding school with him
Some of these are well beyond what I can pull off at the moment, but you never know when circumstances might change.  Besides, if you’re gonna dream, might as well dream big!  If I’m going to do that, retiring into my own little shop would be awesome!  Custom mechanical, digital parts fabrication and finishing!